wearable Breast Pump - Womens' Pumps Give You Free Hands

Cajsa Gudrun

" wearable breast pump?" you may be asking. I can imagine how you must have been thinking when I mentioned my first experience with an electric breast pump. This was back in 2021, and I still remember how I felt that day. To tell you the truth, it wasn't all that bad, but I will say that it was definitely different. I'll also tell you that I tried out many other pumps before I found the Willow portable breast pump that I am using today.

The first thing I noticed when I brought my new Elvie Pump home was that it made me sick to my stomach! The word sick actually got the reaction I wanted from my husband at the time, and he recommended I take it back for a replacement. After doing so, I asked him why. He told me that the electric pumps were noisy and that they were much easier for some breastfeeding mothers to use at home than they were in the hospital. Which is why I found myself fitting another Willow portable breast pump to my breast each day just after leaving the hospital.

Today, I am not as bothered by this as I used to be. The main complaint I have is with the power and motor of the pump itself. Unlike the early models, the newer ones really don't make much of an effort to pump milk at all. You can only go from low intensity to full strength without pausing.

If this isn't enough to turn you off, let me tell you about the other shortcomings of the newer wearable electric breast pump. The suction cups that the earlier versions had, while still effective, weren't nearly as comfortable. I am sure the designers and engineers had a great time creating the pressurized suction cups, but they just weren't very good. Today's versions are more like the cups you would use on your own hand or with a baby at home. The comfort level is higher and you can pump much harder with them without discomfort.

Another issue I have is that the original elvie electric breast pumps were hard to sterilize. This problem has been addressed in later models. However, the problems with the old pumps may be enough of a concern for some women to still steer clear of the original. Some women are concerned that the sanitary problems of the original elvie pumps are a problem with the newer versions.

However, I think most moms would agree that the free app is way better than the disposable and the new electric pumps. The free app uses patented technology to give you instructions on how to use the elvie. While it is clear that the instructions aren't always clear and that some moms may get confused with the symbols and pictures on the display, overall most women get it. Even if you get frustrated, the free app will help you sterilize the pump in a matter of minutes so you can use it again.

It is important to note, though, that many moms I have talked to are not aware that the pump can be sterilized. Moms, keep in mind, typically bring their babies home from the hospital where the professionals sterilize the pumps. The Moms, however, don't have to do that. They can instead pump each morning when they get home and then have the portable pump hands-free for pumping anytime during the day. Most mothers appreciate having this option.

If you choose to purchase one of the newer Moms' Pumps, you will notice that it comes with two of the necessary pieces needed for sterilization. In addition, the Moms' Pumps usually come with some nice looking collectible bottle liners. The two nifty gadgets are great for transporting your portable pump between venues. If you have more than one baby, you can even put your portable pump in the freezer before each use so you have less fear of contaminating the collection cups. Now that you know what to look for in these convenient products you might just find a must have this winter!