How To Price Check A Spiralizer

Donatella Assunta

Prepare whatever from cucumbers, noodles to spiralized vegetables with the Hand Held Spiralizer by OXO. This handy two-piece spiralizer comes with a spiralizer piece and a rotating piece covered in a durable food holder. The spiralizer is durable and versatile because it is designed with a non-stick surface for minimal mess. Simply lay your spiralizer blade on the spinning turntable and rotate it. Your spiralizer will be ready for your next culinary task in no time!

The OXO Joseph J is one of the latest spiralizers available today. The J varies in size and shape but the design is consistent and very sleek. This stainless steel machine will definitely be a great addition to any vegetable or fruit garden.

This spiralizer is both durable and convenient. It features a two-speed motor that works smoothly and evenly throughout the whole device. Since it only has one speed, you can still spiralize without worrying about putting the blades too close to each other as to cut your vegetable into pieces too small. You'll find that it cuts the veg easily and evenly.

It comes complete with twelve blades which are all sharpened and certified. You can use the blades for different vegetable cuisines such as; carrot, cabbage, broccoli, eggplant, french beans, hard bean, lentils, lima bean, mushrooms, squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, and corn. This spiralizer can also spiralize wheat grass, tofu, pasta, and sushi. The included travel plate makes it perfect for traveling. If you want to take it along on the airplane, check out the handy carry case.

It doesn't have an included cart so you may want to purchase one to keep the spiralizer separate from the other ingredients in the container. It's small and compact design makes it great for tight spaces. If you need to prepare multiple types of vegetables at once, you'll find the blades make it much easier and faster to prepare. Some people even say it can help reduce prep time and waste!

The spiralizer is made out of stainless steel that makes it very durable and able to stand up against tough foods like cauliflower. It also has a long warranty so you can be sure it will last for a long time. You can find it in a selection of price ranges so you're sure to find something that fits your budget. It's important to remember though, that even though this machine is priced affordably, it is not cheap in the long run. You will need to replace the blades fairly regularly. The blades need to be sharpened on a regular basis and part of the upkeep process includes sharpening the blades yourself which can be a challenge.

One thing you might notice about spiralizer machines that comes with the machine is that the blades are labeled with the brand of the manufacturer. Because of this you'll want to make a price comparison based on the overall cost of the machine rather than on the brand name alone. While the blades are usually more affordable overall, they may not be the best value overall depending on how often you plan on replacing them. You will likely pay more for the blades because they are more prone to damage and the need to sharpen them as well.

You should do a price comparison of a few different spiralizer brands to see what each one has to offer. It will provide you with more insight into the quality of the blades, the ease of use, and even the additional maintenance that may be required. Spiralizers aren't too difficult to find but you may want to do a little extra research into the brand that you choose to purchase.