High Pressure Washers 101 - What Is A Good Pressure Washer For Cleaning Windows?

Sankar Shubham

What is the difference between Karcher pressure washers and Bosch pressure washers? How much do they cost? And why do people tend to choose one over the other? In this article I hope to answer these questions.

Differences Between Karcher and Bosch Pressure Washers First of all, in terms of motor power, both of these pressure washers tend to vary greatly from each other, generally with regard to the amount of water flow rate that the nozzle provides. Karcher typically has a lower maximum nozzle capacity than Bosch, as a general rule of thumb. Karcher also tends to provide a greater variation in the control of the rotary head of the nozzle, as well as being able to provide greater pressure and more water flow rate at the low water mark of the nozzle. Obviously, Bosch tends to provide higher maximum water flow rates at all times, though this can vary depending on the overall pressure of the nozzle and the pump in question.

Maximum Water Flow Rate One thing you may notice immediately is that some pressure washers have very high maximum water flows - in excess of thirteen gallons per minute. Bosch usually limits the maximum water flow rate at around seven gallons per minute, but this is still very good. If you need the best pressure washer in the world, then you may want to check out the Bosch product line.

Larger Hoses A very common feature amongst pressure washers is a longer hose, typically around nine or ten feet in length. This long hose gives you better flexibility and mobility when cleaning difficult areas or performing multiple tasks. On the other hand, a shorter hose may be easier for you to handle when cleaning and you may not need as much mobility when cleaning certain areas. You can get a little bit more versatility from a longer hose; but you do sacrifice durability and strength. This is really something you'll have to weigh in your decision.

Two Models vs Three Models Pressure washers are sold in four basic configurations: single model, double model, and k4 models. Each configuration has its pros and cons. The most popular configuration is the single model; however, if you plan on using the pressure washers for different types of jobs, you'll probably want to go with the k4 model instead. The k4 model comes in two models: a front-loaded model and a top-load model. Each model is designed to meet a specific application need.

Higher Value Pressure Washers: These pressure washers tend to be more durable and sturdy. They also have slightly higher capacity so that they will clean quicker and dry faster. When purchasing a pressure washer, try to consider how often you'll be using it and how often you expect to empty it. If you plan on emptying it on a regular basis, then go with a slightly higher capacity model.

Electric Pressure Washers: These electric pressure washers are more efficient and easier on the environment. While they don't have nearly the horsepower of their k4 counterparts, you can still blast debris out at an exceptional rate. It doesn't take much energy to propel these items. Still, you do need to take into consideration the amount of electricity used. In order to be completely eco-friendly, choose a model that is powered by renewable sources. This way, you won't be adding to the already overflowing number of harmful chemicals being dumped into our groundwater systems.

Whether you're looking for high pressure washers for general cleaning or you need something specifically for cleaning window grout, you can find just what you need at your local janitorial supply store. Make sure that you're thoroughly considering all of your options before you make your purchase. Remember, a good pressure washer isn't all that great when it comes to cleaning windows. You also need to consider whether or not you'll be using it for general cleaning or if you want something special for that tough stubborn stain.