Mahjong Sets - How To Choose The Best One!

Adrian Miroslaw

If you're a mahjong fan then this is definitely the right place that you've came to! If you're looking for mahjong sets but you don't have the budget to buy them, then this article will help you out. Mahjong is a game that has been around for centuries and it is one of the most popular games today. For the most enjoyable gaming experience, you'd need the right mahjong set that meets your mahjong gaming needs in terms of size and design.

A good mahjong set will make a great present for a friend or family member. But what if your budget doesn't allow you to buy one? In such cases, you can always look for a second-hand mahjong set. You can go to every local toy store or browse through the internet to find a mahjong set that is suitable for you. When you choose one, however, make sure that it's durable. The last thing that you want to do is get a scratched mahjong set just because you didn't want to spend too much on it.

Many mahjong sets come in mahjong sets made of wood. Mahjong is played on a forty-five square table so you might as well pick mahjong sets that are made of solid wood. However, if you're not a beginner, then it would be advisable to pick mahjong sets that are made of glass. It's because glass has an extra degree of resistance when playing mahjong sets compared to wooden mahjong sets. It's a good idea to avoid mahjong sets that are made of plastic. Plastic tends to be very slippery and it's quite possible that the tiles may be easily lost.

If you're not aware, mahjong sets are usually divided according to the continent in which they were manufactured. So if you know that the jongg version of mahjong is popular in America, the European version would probably be manufactured in Germany. This is why the availability of certain mahjong sets in China and other Asian countries is low. The best thing to do when looking for mahjong sets in China is to ensure that they were imported from authorized wholesalers.

Apart from the material of the mahjong sets, you will also notice that they come in different sizes. When you're choosing the right size of your mahjong set, it's important that you think about the number of players that you intend to play the game with. Bigger mahjong sets are perfect for big crowds and friendly competition. On the other hand, medium-sized sets are better for small groups and low-stakes games. If you intend to play the mahjong game casually, then a small mahjong set will be fine for you.

Mahjong tiles are also available in Chinese classic mahjong sets. The tiles are slightly different from the regular ones in the way that they are arranged. Basically, there are three types of tiles in these sets: light blue, dark blue and gold. The mahjong game itself revolves around these three tiles. You can easily identify a set made up of light blue tiles by its central block. This particular mahjong set is one of the most popular among classic fans.

You must also make sure that the tiles are arranged in the right way when playing mahjong sets. You don't want to start the game with a wrong set. The result will be frustrating for you. In order to avoid confusion, we suggest that you understand Chinese characters before choosing your mahjong tile. You can either use the traditional computer screen or a paper and pencil.

As we said, there are two popular mahjong sets: the traditional Chinese version game set and the drizzle mini mahjong traditional chinese version game set. Which one you will choose is basically your personal preference. Again, it would depend on your gaming skills. If you think you lack the skills, you can always start with the traditional Chinese version. But if you think you're a natural player, then the dry version will be perfect for you.